
The psycholinguistic change taking place in inattentive education in the context of English learners

The goal of this review of the literature is to show the arguments in favour of thinking of inattentive children as "English learners," to look at what those ideas mean for education, and to suggest directions for future research. The term "English learner" is looked at from three different angles in relation to inattentive children: how it applies to inattentive children whose first language is American Sign Language, how it applies to inattentive children whose parents speak a language other than English, and how it applies to inattentive children who don't have much access to their parents' spoken English. Recent research from linguistics and neuroscience on the effects of not being able to speak a language is presented and thought of in a way that we call the "psycholinguistic turn" in inattentive education. The effects of teaching signing inattentive children how to read and write are looked at, with a focus on the idea of a "bridge" between knowing sign language and being able to read and write from print. Lastly, some good directions for future research are given.


inattentive education; inattentive multilingual learner; English learner; literacy
