Cloud Computing in Vocational Education
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Yazar : Ersin YALIM    
Türü :
Baskı Yılı : 2023
Sayı : 15
Sayfa : 218-227


Cloud computing is an important concept that has received a lot of attention in the world of education over the past few years. This popularity has been realized due to its many benefits and the solutions it brings. Unlike traditional methods of computing and data storage, cloud computing offers a distributed type of architecture and includes a number of ideas, concepts, technologies, and services. For vocational education students, cloud computing offers many advantages and opportunities. Students who are trained in technology-oriented professions can be prepared in accordance with current technologies and the needs of the business world by getting acquainted with cloud computing. In this study, explanations of the basic components of cloud computing and application examples of types of use in vocational education are included.

Anahtar Kelimeler

School, Cloud Computing in Vocational Education


Cloud computing is an important concept that has received a lot of attention in the world of education over the past few years. This popularity has been realized due to its many benefits and the solutions it brings. Unlike traditional methods of computing and data storage, cloud computing offers a distributed type of architecture and includes a number of ideas, concepts, technologies, and services. For vocational education students, cloud computing offers many advantages and opportunities. Students who are trained in technology-oriented professions can be prepared in accordance with current technologies and the needs of the business world by getting acquainted with cloud computing. In this study, explanations of the basic components of cloud computing and application examples of types of use in vocational education are included.


School, Cloud Computing in Vocational Education